
Saturday, April 18, 2015

FoodPanda and MBP: Give One Get One Contest

Got myself nominated by Mommy Vix Parungao of Mum Writes to the Mommy Bloggers Philippines {MBP} and FoodPanda Give One Get One Contest and here are my answers to her questions:

  • What piece of advice can you give to those who aspire to be a work-from-home-mum? 

ANS: Working from home has a lot of benefits but because you're at home, there are a lot of challenges and one of those is for others to understand your TIME. So, just make sure to tell your family the nature of your work and also the need to concentrate. Work is work even if your in the office or at home.

  • If you can give any tips to newbie and aspiring bloggers, what will it be? 

ANS: If you are blogging because you have the passion to do it, then just go for it. But if you want to start a blog because you want to earn money, then make sure you are committed to it. The journey is long. Be prepared for a bumpy ride and make sure to enjoy the journey with like-minded people so it won't be lonely but fun!

  • Which Funko Pop character are you planning to get next? 

ANS: I am planning to complete the first batch of Frozen Funko POP set. So, it would be SVEN and KRISTOFF but, if a good deal comes along for SMAUG, then it would be him!

Thanks Mommy Vix for nominating me! Now, it is my turn to nominate another mommy blogger from Mommy Bloggers Philippines. I am nominating Mommy Dorry Salinas of Rambles of a Mom and Marz Sigrid Lo of Mama Cooks. Here are my questions for them:

  • Everybody loves to eat. What is your favorite dish?
  • Just like me, I know you like books. What type of books do you read?
  • If I were to visit Tacloban City (Dorry) | Bacolod City (Sigrid) soon, which restaurant would you suggest for me to visit to get the authentic taste of your place?
Mommy Dorry and Marz Sigrid, I can't wait to read your answers on your blogs!

If you are a mommy blogger, join Mommy Bloggers Philippines so you can join the contest. You can nominate other mommy bloggers to this challenge and get a chance to be nominated, as well. Check out the mechanics here.


  1. I joined this also Got nominated by a blogger friend. It was so much fun. Learning a little bit something about your co-blogger. :)

  2. nice! I agree with the time management. That's the only challenge all WAHMS is facing. Kasi we have a lot of distractions, especially, if you are OC... hehehe

  3. Great tip on how to be a WAHM. I've been a WAHM for a few years now and time (dividing them efficiently) really is a factor in being a good WAHM.
